special report


Special Report: Interoperability

The new secretary of state for health and social care has placed interoperability at the heart of his vision for
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Special Report: Mental Health

Physical and mental healthcare interact in complex and significant ways, and yet traditionally the NHS has treated the two as
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Special Report: VNA and Data Storage

The benefits of vendor neutral archives in healthcare have been well rehearsed. But could combining this kind of storage with
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Special Report: Cloud

Earlier this year, national bodies officially approved the use of cloud for NHS data. But does this mean NHS organisations
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Special Report: Observations and vital signs

In December last year, the Royal College of Physicians released an updated version of the National Early Warning Score –
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Special Report: RIS

With the shortage of radiologists showing no signs of abating – and the demand for scans increasing year on year
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Special Report: Medicines Management

With national funding pledges to increase the uptake of e-prescribing in hospitals, digital medicines management is occupying a prominent place
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Special Report: Electronic Document Management

Many agree that properly implemented electronic document management (EDM) could revolutionise care, however, several technological and cultural barriers remain. Can
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Special Report: Diagnostic digital pathology

While experts welcome the current interest in diagnostic digital pathology, they believe that implementation of digital workflows, which includes integration
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Special Report: Remote monitoring and self-care

The use of technology to support self-care is considered to be a holy grail of any sustainable health service. So
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