

PCT chiefs warn on reconfiguration plans

41% of primary care trust chief executives think that the planned reconfiguration of their organisations will have a negative effect on
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Fujitsu signs with Cerner for South

Fujitsu Services has officially awarded a contract to Cerner Ltd in order to provide its Millennium clinical software to NHS
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Stigma? What stigma?

Jim Thomson, chief executive of the Centre for Mental Health, strongly argues for greater regulations on online pharmacies and the
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CfH business plan indicates delivery delay

NHS Connecting for Health has issued its first annual business plan listing the agency’s achievements and setting out a programme
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Predictive risk software launched for NHS

  New predictive risk software which will provide the NHS with an ‘early warning’ system to help some patients avoid
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Hampshire SHA payroll staff transfer to Xansa

Xansa’s NHS Shared Business Services (SBS), a joint venture with the DH designed to centralise financial systems across the NHS, has signed up
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New IT local delivery plans due by September

Implementation of new NHS IT systems is to become a non-negotiable part of the local delivery plans (LDPs) of every
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PCT mergers look set to disrupt IT plans

IT departments of NHS organisations are beginning to feel the impact of plans to shake-up the structure of the health
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New QMAS software will focus on excluded patients

Changes to the payments software for the Quality and Outcomes Framework mean practices and primary care trusts will be able
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Cerner wins Wirral system replacement contract

US health systems specialists, Cerner Corporation, have been named as the preferred supplier to replace the ageing clinical IT system
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