

Northern Ireland unveils plans for electronic records

Northern Ireland has announced plans to develop its own electronic care record in a move which has led to calls
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NPfIT to jettison its name…and some suppliers

The National Programme for IT is to change its name to Connecting for Health, NHS IT director-general Richard Granger announced
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Northern Ireland announces new health IT strategy

Northern Ireland has announced plans to develop its own electronic care record in a move which has led to calls
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PACS data stores to get central funds

The Department of Health has announced that it will centrally fund the capital and revenue costs of five Cluster Data
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Privacy key for US electronic health records

US health information technology interests have expressed great concern about guarding the privacy of patient data in building a National
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InPractice Systems set to sign for the South

Fujitsu Alliance, Local Service Provider for the Southern cluster, looks set to finalise contract negotiations with InPractice Systems to supply
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NHS CRS delayed by nine months in South

The delivery schedule for the core NHS Care Records Service (CRS) solution in the South of England has slipped by
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Outside the inbox

Chris Booth, who has been working with SMS and healthcare for several years, says that text messaging can do more
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Pessimism rife among doctors about NPfIT’s benefits

The latest Medix-UK survey, co-sponsored by E-Health Insider, shows that three years into the NHS National Programme for IT confidence
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First spine-connected GP system goes live

Undercliffe practice in Batley, West Yorkshire has become the first in England to go live with a primary care computer
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