

Trusts told to end local PACS procurements

All English NHS trusts have been told they must immediately end any PACS (Picture Archiving and Storage System) procurements after
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Health connectivity: the global holy grail

SAN FRANCISCO— The National Programme for Information Technology (NPfIT) may be the envy of many a country for its £6.2
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Soaring Internet use for European health

Internet use in healthcare is expected to soar in Europe in the next four years, bringing electronic communication into the
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Sun awarded ‘tactical’ NHS desktop contract

The National Programme for IT (NPfIT) has concluded an evaluation project with Sun Microsystems over the potential use of Sun’s
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Market for health IT most favourable for big business

The European market for health information systems is likely to expand rapidly, but a number of difficulties stand in the
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EMIS hits back at ‘speculation and misrepresentation’

Leading UK primary care IT supplier EMIS has issued new guidance to practices using its systems stating the firm’s long-term
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Partnership may make e-health widely available in US

Allscripts, whose strategic partners include HP and Microsoft, has just announced a new link with US-based clinical directory Medem which
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Getting ready for the leap forward

With the National Programme for IT now geared up for delivery, Paul Charnley, regional implementation director for the North West
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Six new companies brought under NPfIT banner

The National Programme for IT have announced six new “enterprise-wide" agreements between suppliers of software and hardware infrastructure and services,
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National Programme sets strategy for non-LSP suppliers

The majority of current NHS clinical systems in England will be replaced in the next four years, according to new
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