

National Programme ‘Mobilises’ for Delivery

The shape of things to come on NHS IT started to become clearer during the course of Healthcare Computing with
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‘Trust Me’, I’m the Director-General

NHS Director-General of IT Richard Granger this week used his first major public speech to make a personal appeal to
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Torex Acquires UK Operations of IBA Health

Torex PLC has announced a strategic alliance with IBA Health Ltd, the Australian supplier of healthcare information systems. As part
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IBM Joins With ATOS KPMG Consulting

As first revealed by E-Health Insider last week IBM and ATOS KPMG Consulting are to bid jointly as a Local
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Communications Chief Sought for National Programme

A six-figure package is on offer for the high flier chosen to communicate the NHS National IT Programme to a
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In Practice Systems and in4tek Partner to Deliver ICRS

In Practice Systems and in4tek have formed a partnership in order to jointly provide an integrated PCT/StHA solution to meet the expanding
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Trusts Must Not Stop Local IT Investment – Lord Hunt

NHS trusts must put sustained local investment into their IT to complement investment from the National IT Programme, health minister
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Civica to Implement Microsoft Enterprise Agreement

The NHS has placed an order worth £19.4 million over twelve-months with software and services firm Civica to implement the
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Granger Confirms IT Spend at ÂŁ2.3bn

Long-awaited official confirmation of the figure for NHS IT modernisation spending was revealed this week – £2.3billion will be spent
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Broadband Upgrade for NHSnet Signed

The NHS has signed a contract with BT and C&W to provide broadband upgrades to NHSnet, the NHS’s private data
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