

NHS Direct Needs Greater Focus

A new Public Accounts Committee report on the NHS Direct telephone information service says that callers are currently waiting too
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Monaghan Promises IT Procurement Strategy by July

Last week saw the publication of the new NHS IT implementation strategy, ‘Delivering 21st Century IT Support’ , as reported
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iSOFT Acquires Northgate Healthcare Business

Fast growing UK Health IT firm iSOFT has announced that it has agreed to buy rival Northgate Healthcare Business from
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DH Preparing ÂŁ5 Billion IT Strategy

This week E-Health Insider provides an advance preview of the yet to be released, yet to be approved, draft implementation
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No Funding for IT Development Projects

The Department of Health has failed to secure extra funding for a series of development projects that had been thought
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Lord Hunt – “We Will Meet EPR targets”

Lord Hunt, the health minister with responsibility for IT, has underlined his determination that the NHS will achieve its targets
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PCTs Told to Freeze IT Procurement Plans

Primary Care Trusts have been told to put their plans for integrated primary and community electronic patient records on hold
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Review Underway to Get EPR ‘Back on Track’

Jon Hoeksma A major review of Electronic Patient Records (EPR) is underway by the Department of Health to get the
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EPR at the Heart of NHS Redesign

Electronic patient records (EPRs) are good news for NHS organisations and patients, but recent academic research by the NHS Confederation’s
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Government Urged to be Patient on Patient Records

The Government should accept that the 2005 target for electronic patient records will be missed and not be panicked into
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