Summary Care Record


Additional information to be automatically added to Summary Care Record

Additional information will be automatically added to of any patient who has not expressed a preference that information isn’t shared.
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One-click function for SCR introduced for community pharmacists

The function allows pharmacy professionals logged in on their Smartcard to click straight through to a selected patient’s SCR.
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Another view: are local data repositories set to become data dumps?

Digital Health's GP columnist Dr Neil Paul is worried about the proliferation of local shared record schemes, creating multiple data
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Healthcare IT news in brief

Lorenzo go-live delay blamed on centre A Midlands trust has delayed deployment of a Lorenzo electronic patient by two months
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Healthcare IT industry news in brief

This month’s round up includes: a new site for the NHS and SMEs on working together, a specialist e-prescribing deployment,
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SCR in outpatients and police rooms

Access to NHS Summary Care Records is being extended to scheduled care settings and dedicated medical rooms in police stations.
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Summary Care Records: GPs add info

Nearly all of England's GPs are able to write additional information into a patient's Summary Care Record from within their
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Pharmacists demand patient record access

Community pharmacists in the UK should have read and write access to full electronic records for their patients, says the
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SCR ‘at tipping point’ with clinicians

The Summary Care Record is approaching 50,000 views per week, according to figures released by the Health and Social Care
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Pharmacists given access to SCR

Community pharmacists are to be given access to the NHS Summary Care Record, the Health and Social Care Information Centre
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