
PbR held back by NHS data failures

A new report into the progress of Payment by Results (PbR) has concluded that problems with the quality and timeliness of
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NHS Comparators allows 18-week wait measuring

NHS organisations in England can now analyse their performance against the government’s 18-week wait target using a new service launched
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PCTs to lead on NHS IMandT development

The NHS operating framework for 2008-2009 says that in the coming year local NHS organisations will be expected to build
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Information Centre appoints new chief executive

The Information Centre (IC) for health and social care has appointed Tim Straughan, current acting chief executive, as its chief
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Problems with SUS hamper commissioning

The Department of Health must resolve problems with the Secondary Uses Service if practice-based commissioning (PBC) is to succeed, according
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Government rejects consent call for SUS use

The government has rejected calls from the Commons Health Select Committee to apply consent to the use of Secondary Uses
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SUS blasted as ‘not fit for purpose’

The Secondary Uses Service (SUS) is not fit for purpose and is failing to provide GP practices and PCTs with
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BT’s big mission

In an exclusive interview BT Health's managing director Patrick O'Connell updates EHI's Jon Hoeksma how BT is progressing on its
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Debate over legality of Care Record Guarantee

British data protection laws used to create the Care Record Guarantee could fall foul of new European Commission data protection
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CfH accredits NetTransform XML conversion system

Business intelligence specialist, Ardentia, has received accreditation from Connecting for Health for its data transmission system, NetTransform. The company claims to
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