

InterSystems shakes up the EPR market

InterSystems’ recent wins on Teeside and in the South of England mark a significant shift in the supplier market, argues
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North Tees picks InterSystems

North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust has chosen InterSystems as preferred bidder for its electronic patient record system, making
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TrakCare across two thirds of Scotland

More than two thirds of Scotland’s population is now covered by a patient management system from InterSystems.
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TrakCare Lab live in Wales

Hywel Dda University Health Board is the first board to go-live with the new Welsh national laboratory information management system.
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NHS Highland takes TrakCare

NHS Highland will deploy InterSystems’ TrackCare patient management system starting this November.
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Guernsey extends TrakCare to community

Guernsey is extending its TrakCare electronic patient record system to 900 social care workers.
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InterSystems on Trak in Scotland

InterSystems has implemented its TrakCare product in five Scottish NHS boards, with clinical functionality due to start rolling out from
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On Trak in Scotland

Within 20 months of signing a contract to provide Scotland with a patient management system, InterSystems had gone live with
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NHS Borders first with TrakCare

NHS Borders has become the first health board to go live with the InterSystems TrakCare patient management system under a
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