White Paper


Evening classes for electronic records?

Adult education courses to explain what the new electronic patient care record does and how it can be used in
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Rocky road ahead for NPfIT suppliers

The National Programme for IT favours large businesses over small and only amounts to a “contact database" for the NHS;
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Pathology IT future ‘more complex than assumed’

Future developments in pathology IT are likely to be far more complex and unpredictable than current roadmaps are predicting, according
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Report challenges hospital mobile ban

A new report on electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and electromagnetic interference (EMI) in healthcare facilities challenges the wisdom of blanket prohibitions
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Government says open source not a ‘hype bubble’

The Office of the e-Envoy has issued an updated consultation paper on the use of open source software (OSS) by
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Consultation on Open Source Software (OSS) Strategy Nears End

The NHS information Authority has published a reminder that the consultation period for the Office of the e-Envoy’s draft Government
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