

German doctors use iPods for PACS

Clinicians at Jung-Stilling Hospital in Germany are using an iPod Touch to access patient data and diagnostic images at the
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Toumaz provides tech for DIAdvisor trial

Toumaz Technology, the specialist in wireless persoal monitoring and signals technology, has announced that its hardware, software and sensors that
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FDA clears Carestream Health product

The US Food and Drug Administration has given marketing clearance to the DRX-1 System from Carestream Health. The company claims
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East Kent cuts turn around times with SRC

East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust has been able to reduce cancer diagnosis times by deploying digital dictation with
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Winchester deploys new e-prescribing system

Winchester and Eastleigh Healthcare NHS Trust deployed a hospital wide e-prescribing system in just four days. The trust decided that
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Rotherham picks Meditech for EPR

The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust has awarded a contract to US clinical software supplier Meditech to provide it with a
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Panasonic launches new Mobile Clinical Assistant

Panasonic has launched the latest version of its Mobile Clinical Assistant, a rugged tablet-style wireless handheld computer specifically designed for
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Alder Hey goes wireless with Xirrus

One of Europe’s biggest children’s hospitals has announced that it will be completely wireless within four months. Alder Hey Children’s
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EHI’s industry round-up 19.02.09

This month’s E-Health Insider industry round-up covers system deployments, new products, and other developments at leading healthcare IT suppliers. Wirral
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IBM teams with Google to mobilise patient data

New software to enable data to be easily moved from remote personal monitoring devices into Google Health personal health records
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