University Hospitals Plymouth pioneers smart watches for Parkinson’s

University Hospitals Plymouth has worked with Plymouth University to pioneer a new way to monitor and care for Parkinson's patients
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Hertfordshire Partnership uses Green Plan to support digital transformation

Hertfordshire Partnership University has unveiled its Green Plan - which includes driving digital transformation to fight climate change.
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NHS Wales Centre of Excellence supports innovation

The NHS Wales Microsoft 365 Centre of Excellence has been launched to support staff in turning their innovations into reality
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Royal Papworth leads AI study into heart valve disease

Royal Papworth Hospital is working with the University of Cambridge to develop an AI-powered tool that could speed up the
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University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire launch remote monitoring

University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust is to launch a remote monitoring programme to support patients with heart conditions.
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Pitchfest winner TestCard raises over £7million in fundraising round

Former Pitchfest winner, TestCard, has raised £7.68million which it plans to put towards further commercialising its existing product suite.
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Industry news in brief

This Digital Health News industry round-up covers major investments, a support finder for mental health and news of an acquisition.
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FEDIP launches new charter for health tech experts

The Federation of Informatics Professionals has launched a new charter highlighting the importance of high standards within healthcare IT.
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AI trial for bowel cancer care underway at 9 NHS trusts

An AI device, which has the potential to transform bowel care and the use of colonoscopies, is being trialled at
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The Access Group acquires adam Human Touch Technology

The Access Group is boosting its access health, support and care division with the acquisition of purchasing solutions provider adam
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