Why are we stuck in first gear with Shared Care Records?

An excessive focus on innovation may be getting in the way of progress, says Lorraine Foley, from the Professional Record
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Usability: Why EPRs can and should do more

Suppliers of electronic patient records need to escape siloed thinking, come together and improve what they’re offering to clinicians. By
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Industry Spotlight: Jon Pickering, CEO Mizaic, formerly IMMJ Systems

It is the people around great technology who make the "magic" happen says Jon Pickering - a belief that's shaped
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10 key lessons for embedding digital in your trust

A succinct new guide tells NHS leaders everything they need to know to make digital transformation a success. By Cate
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Immersive technologies such as virtual reality have the power to improve care and change lives

A 'practical and sensible approach' to immersive technologies is delivering significant gains for patients and staff at a major NHS
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What to expect from EPR transitions in 2023 and beyond

Electronic Patient Records (EPR) are essential to delivering more joined up and integrated care. NHS England’s stated aim is for
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Special Report: Remote Monitoring

Enshrined in healthcare policy across the UK, this is an exciting time for remote monitoring. But is its potential being
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Robust infrastructure is key to delivering digital change for the NHS

At its core, the NHS is made by the people who work within it, helping to keep things going just
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Industry Spotlight: Chad Holmes, Security Evangelist, Cynerio

NHS trusts should seize the opportunity to escape the shadow of WannaCry, boost their cybersecurity and onboard new devices with
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