Some systems back online but Guy’s and St Thomas’ IT issues continue

Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust (GSST) is still experiencing issues after its IT systems failed last week as
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East and North Hertfordshire renews EPR contract with Dedalus

East and North Hertfordshire's contract began on 7 July 2022, the same day it was awarded, and will run for
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Digital Health Awards 2022 winner profile: Prof Louise Hicks

In our first Digital Health Awards 2022 winner profile we hear from Professor Louise Hicks, who scooped the CNIO of
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Berkshire Healthcare NHS FT driving forward with digital-first policy

Dr Guy Northover speaks exclusively about Berkshire Healthcare's digital focus, feedback, future ambitions and advice for other trusts.
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Guy’s and St Thomas’ suffers disruption as heat causes IT problems

Guy’s and St Thomas’ Trust (GSST) is facing major issues after its IT system failed as a result of the
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techUK report highlights key digital recommendations for ICSs

The chairs and deputy chairs of the Digital Health Networks provided the foreward for the 'Right from the Start' and
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Phillips Ives Review will help the nursing profession to ‘think collectively’

Speaking at Summer Schools 2022 in York on July 15, Natasha Phillips introduced the review, which was first launched in
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Simon Bolton says NHS centre can be run more efficiently with less people

NHS Digital's interim CEO has said he believes the centre of the NHS can be run more efficiently by reducing the
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EPR convergence and levelling up: CCIO and CNIOs have their say

A group of our CNIO Network Advisory Panel members and a CCIO member exclusively give their thoughts on the new
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Steve Barclay appointed Secretary of State for Health and Social Care

Former chief of staff at Number 10 Steve Barclay has been appointed as Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s new Secretary of
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