Digital Health’s monthly roundup of contracts and go lives

Our latest roundup of contracts and go lives features news from NHS Tayside, who signed a deal to deploy Alcidion’s
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NHS England planning to develop a £240million ‘Federated Data Platform’

NHS England has announced plans to develop a £240million ‘Federated Data Platform’(FDP) via a prior information notice ahead of an
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Cohort for 2022 NHS Innovation Accelerator announced

The NHS Innovation Accelerator (NIA) has announced the 10 innovators who will receive support to introduce their solutions across England’s
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ORCHA unveil digital health training programme for NHS staff

The Organisation for the Review of Care and Health Apps (ORCHA) has unveiled a digital health training programme for NHS
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Graphnet shared record to unite Black Country and West Birmingham ICS

Black Country and West Birmingham ICS has teamed up with Graphnet Health to deliver an ICS-wide shared record that will
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All Type 1 diabetes patients eligible for new technology

All patients with Type 1 diabetes will be eligible for new lifechanging technology on the NHS after new guidance was
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Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital rolls out pilot openEPMA system

The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital has gone live with a pilot of an open Electronic Prescribing and Medicines Administration (openEPMA)
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NHS Wales and CMR Surgical join forces for national robotics programme

NHS Wales has signed a multi-year contract with CMR Surgical (CMR) as part of a national robotics assisted surgery programme.
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Digital Health Unplugged: CardMedic win Pitchfest 2022

Following a successful Digital Health Rewired, Jordan Sollof chats to Dr Rachael Grimaldi, co-founder and CEO of Pitchfest 2022 champions
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‘Find and Treat’ mobile van helping to tackle infectious diseases in London

A mobile health clinic, ‘Find and Treat’ is being used to tackle infectious diseases in London by treating those who
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