Hull digital study sees 50% fall in COPD emergency attendances

A study of a COPD digital service at Hull University Teaching Hospitals resulted in a 50% reduction in emergency attendances
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Wes Streeting: We can make Britain a powerhouse for MedTech

Health secretary Wes Streeting has pledged that the new government will “make Britain a powerhouse for life sciences and medical
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Over 6,000 operations and appointments delayed by London cyber attack

More than 6,000 operations and appointments have been postponed at London hospitals affected by the Synnovis cyber attack.
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General election 2024: Health tech leaders react to Labour victory

We asked health tech leaders for their reactions to Labour’s victory in the general election and what the focus should
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‘Collective energy’ needed to tackle discrimination in digital health

An event to discuss the creation of an ‘Equity Charter’ for digital health has called for “collective energy” to overcome
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Patient groups oppose NHSE plans for unified clinical registry platform

Patient groups for people with blood disorders have raised concerns about NHS England plans to combine clinical registries in a
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Cyber attacks on critical national infrastructure predicted to increase

Mark Edwards, CISO at Digital Health and Care Wales has warned that cyber attacks on critical national infrastructure are likely to
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Thousands of appointments postponed since Synnovis cyber attack

More than 1,134 elective procedures and 2,194 outpatient appointments have been postponed since the cyber attack on Synnovis on 3
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Patient data published online following south east London cyber attack

Cyber criminals have published patient data online which they claim was stolen as part of an attack on Synnovis, NHS
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Wes Streeting slams ‘glacial’ pace of FDP adoption

Shadow health secretary Wes Streeting has criticised the “glacial” pace of adoption of the NHS Federated Data Platform (FDP).
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